
Reading List for #TheReadingQuest

Artwork By: https://readthinkponder.wordpress.com/

~*Rogue Path*~
Banned Book: The Stranger
Book Cover With A Partially Obscured Face: Emperor of the Eight Islands
Book With <500 Ratings on GoodReads: The Islands at the End of the World
Book Published By A Small Press: Assassination Generation 
A Book With A One Word Title: Cunt

Side Quests (Blue Squares)
Time Warp: Book Set in Either Past or Future: Ready Player One
Open World: Read Whatever you want: Shift
Respawn: Read a Book you previously DNF: Poor Things
Animal Companion: Book Referencing an Animal in the Title: On Cats
Potions: Book concocted by 2+ Authors: Working with Different People
Mini-Game: Read a Graphic Novel, Poem Collection: All-Star Superman Volume 1

I will be update this again, but thought I would share what I have so far. I definitely welcome reading suggestions because my reading list genres are all over the place. The only books I haven't been able to read lately is YA novels since I've read so many; I may have burned myself out. [To see the complete list of reading criteria for the challenge check out my last post.]

Please comment your blog so I can see your reading list for #TheReadingQuest, Thank you!

#TheReadingQuest Readathon

#TheReadingQuest Readathon 

Sunday 13th August to Sunday 10th September, 2017

Artwork By: https://readthinkponder.wordpress.com/ Absolutely the cutest Game Board for the Readathon!

Sign Up for  #TheReadingQuest here.


Feeling Stressed

When I feel stressed I need to write little notes to myself to calm down. Breathing exercisers don't work for me. Just the sitting down and breathing, nope. Mix in a little psychical yoga exercise and breathing I can do since it's not the main focus. This slight combination of activities leaves me feeling less stressed than before. Here is an example of something I wrote to bring me back into focus and collect my thoughts (no matter how scrambled they may be.)

Breathe, everything will be alright. Find your focus and take care of yourself. Take steps to do this, and know it will not happen instantly, It will be gradually that you will feel better and appreciate the fact that you took the time to endure the process and know you love yourself; so you take care of yourself. Feel awesome, feel great, feel thankful.

I usually repeat this in my head like a mini mantra if you wanna call it that. It's refreshing to type or write some words from my head to another element so that I can let them go and focus on them  somewhere else.

What are the steps you take to feel a little less stressed?


Review: Google Keep

This is a test post for a review about Google Keep.

Friendly Education Vegan Videos

Friendly educational vegan movies because why not? I'm not fully vegan yet, but I'm finding it easier to swap out certain foods and replace them with delicious recipes. Now, I just need to find swaps for lasagna and ruffle chips, hmmm. I would like to share my favorite movies that have helped me become a much healthier version of me and helping out the planet as well.

Watch here. They also have another movie called Unity that I have yet to see. They're working on a third currently called Beings. This is by far the best one, but suited for a mature audience, very eye opening.

Watch here. This is a great one more about the agriculture industry if you're not so much focused on the animals. There are a lot of ways to go vegan, sometimes it takes all the points to make it clear.

Watch here. This is a great one to focus on what to eat. They do have recipes, and now even an app that helps you! It can't get any easier than someone grocery shopping for you.

Vegan Everyday Stories: This is a new documentary that I actually find helpful for families to watch. It follows a girl who has decided to be vegan and two others that you may not expect become vegan too.
I hope you found this list helpful, and if you have a favorite vegan video I didn't post let me know! :)