
Feeling Stressed

When I feel stressed I need to write little notes to myself to calm down. Breathing exercisers don't work for me. Just the sitting down and breathing, nope. Mix in a little psychical yoga exercise and breathing I can do since it's not the main focus. This slight combination of activities leaves me feeling less stressed than before. Here is an example of something I wrote to bring me back into focus and collect my thoughts (no matter how scrambled they may be.)

Breathe, everything will be alright. Find your focus and take care of yourself. Take steps to do this, and know it will not happen instantly, It will be gradually that you will feel better and appreciate the fact that you took the time to endure the process and know you love yourself; so you take care of yourself. Feel awesome, feel great, feel thankful.

I usually repeat this in my head like a mini mantra if you wanna call it that. It's refreshing to type or write some words from my head to another element so that I can let them go and focus on them  somewhere else.

What are the steps you take to feel a little less stressed?